“Writing is listening with your heart and taking notes” ~ Mark Nepo

End The Year With A Grateful Heart
"The ability to wake up to another new day — one with which we will surely need to wrestle and reckon, but one that will also teach and transform us ...
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Choose To Retreat
“As the ancient sages all confirm, everything softens in time. If we want to soften while still alive, we have to bring our hurt places into the light.” ~ Mark ...
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Write yourself a love letter
"Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage." ~ Rainer Maria Rilke I have been ...
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Inhale, lengthening your spine up towards the sky. Exhale, softening your chest. Allow your arms to fall gently to your sides and visualise champagne bubbles flowing through your arms. Imagine ...
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I hope that this week has unfolded with relative ease for you. I've heard a lot of people in my environment using the phrase "it's a busy time" — and ...
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Welcome to a year of curiosity, wonder and possibility. May you connect with spaciousness and that which is already beautiful in you. There is an opportunity to begin the year ...
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“In any moment you can become the loving witness, loving awareness. It's why we sit in meditation, why we practice—not to have a particular special amazing experience and hold your ...
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An Invitation To REFLECT & CONNECT
I hope that your day has started with ease and that you are making the most of the warmer weather. I've been fortunate to start my day with a swim ...
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An Interpretation
An Interpretation | COMING HOME TO YOUR TRUE NATURE: this is the theme for our next retreat at Temenos. What do we mean when we say this? To be honest, ...
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A Women’s Retreat
A Women's Retreat | “When we are willing to risk venturing into the wilderness, and even becoming our own wilderness, we feel the deepest connection to our true self and ...
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