An Invitation to HOPE

An Invitation to HOPE |

I hope this mail lands in your inbox at a time when you can pause. May you find some inspiration and reassurance here.

It certainly is not unusual to feel a little anxious or sad right now with what is emerging in the world.

I invite you to inhale, filling the lungs; exhale slowly and soften — allowing your whole body to soften. Think of someone or something that makes you smile—wait for an image to appear; and become aware of your personal space—that space immediately in front of you, behind you, to left and the right of you, above and below you; notice if it’s equal all around you. Invite a little more ease in your body.

Who inspires you right now?

I’m drawn to Jane Goodall at the moment. I find her to be gracious, courageous and actively hopeful. I share a quote:

“If only we can overcome cruelty, to human and animal, with love and compassion we shall stand at the threshold of a new era in human moral and spiritual evolution—and realise, at last, our most unique quality: humanity.” ~Jane Goodall

I’m deeply saddened by the amount of cruelty in the world and it’s quite easy to lose oneself in what I assess to be madness and live in a mood of anxiety or fear. How do we remain centred and open-hearted and how do we cultivate a mood of love, compassion and HOPE instead? I’m curious how you remain connected and hopeful?

In my opinion, overcoming cruelty means living our lives with more self-awareness—aware of how our way of being impacts other sentient beings around the world. The choices we make each day—how we engage with people, animals and nature, what we consume, whether we make time to connect with ourselves and others—have far-reaching impact.

One kind or compassionate act can ripple out and influence many others. Our kindness and compassion is also expressed by the quality of our presence, how we “show up,” how we listen and speak to others, what we buy, and how consciously we use natural resources.

I invite you to renew your efforts to walk lightly on the earth, to re-connect with yourself, with others, with the world—in a kind, compassionate way—and to behave as if you are connected to every other sentient being.

I assess that should start with being kind and compassionate with ourselves first. Below I explain why in my latest BLOG POST and I invite you to practice. I’ve created a Self-Compassion Calendar to help you get started.


I invite you to think of a time when you assess that you made a mistake or failed to reach a goal. How did you treat yourself? Perhaps take a moment to write down what language you used? What mood or emotion was present? How did you feel in your body?


I’m currently reading (actually, listening to) The Book Of Hope by Jane Goodall and Douglas Adams. What a treat to be able to listen to her in conversation. I feel goosebumps as I listen to her stories of hope. This book has helped me come back to the present moment over and over again as I become aware of so much suffering in the world and remind myself that we are all connected in some way and that hope is an active belief.

I always wait for something or someone to inspire my retreats and this time it’s this book. I highly recommend it. Take a few minutes to watch the trailer for the book.


#theselfcompassionbreak | 25-27 March 2022| Temenos, McGregor

“Active Hope is not wishful thinking. Active Hope is not waiting to be rescued… by some saviour. Active Hope is waking up to the beauty of life on whose behalf we can act.”
~ Joanna Macy.

This is an invitation to honour our human capacity for hope with Karen as she guides intuitive art-making, meditation, reflection and shares self-compassion practices that will invite more ease.


Review Of #theselfcompassionbreak By Lana Kenney From LanaLouStyle

“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life” – Pablo Picasso.

With these words still ringing true in my mind and body, I feel incredibly fortunate that I had the opportunity to join Karen Nebe on her recent weekend retreat in the beautiful Stanford Valley. I was looking forward to gaining new insights, …


It may not be convenient

to take the detour, the
wandering way. To stand
a little longer

in sun-soaked arms
even if they
have to wait.

It may not be convenient
to press pause on a life
going wildly too fast—to go back
if you’ve taken too
many steps forward, to drink
a cold glass of water slowly—
just because.

Don’t let them hurry you. It is your pace you must find.

It’s okay if you’re late
because you need
to scribble down a few more
words, sing hallelujah
with the seabirds, hold her hand
just a little bit longer.

Let them wait.

Maybe today is the day
you’ll light the candle, open
the good bottle of wine
write love letters in the sand
even though the tide will come
and wash them away.

Maybe today is the day
you’ll see
that life
is conveniently right here.

~ Julia Fehrenbacher

With love and many blessings,
Yours in inspiration,